At long last, Adagio is here

Octalforty has been offline for quite a while. Who would’ve thought that the idea to introduce a new theme for octalforty would end up getting dragged for years! Articles from previous versions of octalforty was transferred between various HDD… and got lost.

In any case, Adagio is mostly about me experimenting with typography and minimal design. Bits and pieces across the site is still untouched. Most of the areas involving forms, search, and even archive page have not been styled as of yet.

Any feedback on the new design? Why not get in touch with me on Twitter!


2 responses to “At long last, Adagio is here”

  1. Does your application work completely over a web browser?

    Also, does it work with SQL Server on the back end?


    1. @Rizmar

      I assume you’re referring to WordPress. Yes it runs from a web browser and powered by MYSQL. Check out the requirements here.